Frustrated with your Teen or Young Adult? 

Tired of piecemealing together a plan to help them be successful?

It's time to call for back-up!

Hi! I'm Maisie and I can help your Teen or Young Adult to reach their Career and Educational Goals.

Raising teens can be challenging. 

I should know, I not only have two of my own at home but I have been teaching high school for 18 years. 

I think my own kids are pretty awesome human beings, but I really can't take full credit for that. We have had an amazing village that includes many trusted adults who have supported them. I find that right now, during their teen years, their village of trusted adults becomes even more important as they do NOT want to listen to my advice.

Teens need a lot of support. Even the most self-motivated, emotionally stable, well-rounded and grounded teen needs support. And, sorry to say but even though you (as their caregiver) might have the BEST advice ever, you could be one of the last people they will listen to right now. But, don't beat yourself up over it, it is scientifically shown that the teenage brain is actually programmed this way.

Instead of continuing to fight it, and, causing more strain and stress in your already fragile relationship with your teen or young adult, try calling for back-up. 

That's where I come in, to be a trusted adult that your child can talk to who has their best interest at heart, just like you would. I have the professional and personal expertise to help support them as they explore their personal goals, including Career and Educational goals. 

If your child could benefit from working with someone who can meet them where they are at and help them take baby steps forward, then keep reading.

What I can do...
  • Build a relationship with your teen or young adult where they will now have another trusted adult to support them who is not you (sorry, but my teens don't listen to me either!).
  • Work with your child to identify their goals, whether they be personal, academic, or career goals.
  • Develop a plan to get them one step closer to those goals.
  • Listen to your child to help them advocate for themselves. 
  • Serve as a trusted adult to help your child as they try to navigate some big milestones in this portion of their lives, such as;
    • Getting a job, 
    • Keeping better track of their homework, 
    • Applying for college, 
    • Figuring out what to do after high school, 
    • Writing their resume, 
    • Interviewing for a job,
    • Practicing public speaking, and
    • Finding hobbies they can engage in.
What I can't do...
  • I'm not a licensed therapist, I do not claim to be one. However, I am a Certified Professional Life Coach and I have worked with teens for almost 20 years. I am able and willing to tell you when the situation requires the work of a therapist. I'm also happy to partner with your child's therapist to support the work they are doing together.
  • I can't give you a detailed plan of the work I will do with your teen or young adult. Everyone is unique and until I get to know them, I have no idea what type of support they need. I very much consider my work to be much more of an art than a science. 
  • Also, please bear in mind that in order to really make progress and provide a safe space, all of the work I do with your teen/young adult is confidential. They will be in the driver's seat and it will be completely up to them what is shared. But, you can trust that everything I do will be in their best interest.

Through my professional and personal experiences, I have found a lot of creative solutions to help teens and young adults work towards their goals. 

If your child wants more for themselves but they just can't figure out how to get there, I can help. Schedule a free consultation with me today to see if I would be a good match. What do you have to lose?

Not ready to call for back-up?

I totally get it. Sometimes just knowing that there's help if you need it makes everything better.

If you'd like to help your teen or young adult start working towards their goals but aren't ready to talk to anyone, try downloading my FREE Explorer-8 Challenge Workbook. This will help them get a start on those baby steps that lead to big changes. No obligations, no commitments, they can work at their own pace.
We will not SPAM you! Only relevant emails. Don't worry, no late night texts or calls from us either. And, we won't share your info with anyone! But, if it ever feels like too much, you can always opt out.


Copyright Maisie Lynch, 2023