Hi! I'm Maisie and I'm passionate about helping neurodivergent teens and young adults learn essential skills to reach their Educational & Career Goals.
I will help you to:
  • Have the tools to navigate your career and education decisions.
  • Build your confidence and skills to advocate for yourself.
  • Craft a resume that gets noticed.
  • Identify what your career & educational goals are.
  • Explore potential careers, majors, and hobbies that align with your values, skills, and interests.
  • Access the best tools and resources.
  • Build an action plan.
  • Fill out job or college applications.
  • Work on highlighting your strengths and improving your weaknesses.
  • Move forward with me as your cheerleader and advocate.
Through my specialized coaching services and customized curriculum, I provide personalized guidance and support to help you unlock your full potential and work towards your goals. I also offer comprehensive assessments like the Strong Interest Inventory®. Together, we'll map out a strategic plan tailored to your unique abilities and aspirations.


Nervous about taking this first step? Change can be scary. But, let's face it, what's the harm in learning more about yourself? We are taking baby steps here, you are the driver and can stop whenever you want. Don't let fear or anxiety rob you of the opportunity to become independent.
It's time to move forward and take one small action on your journey towards independence. If you need some clarity and direction, take this next step to develop your path towards professional and personal satisfaction


  • Feeling unfulfilled in your current job or career
  • Unsure which college major or educational path to choose
  • Needing some direction
  • A little lost but ready to take a small step
  • Overwhelmed with the whole process and need someone to be your co-pilot on this journey

You are in the right place!


Feeling "stuck" negatively affects your health and well-being.

That's why it's time to take your first step towards figuring out your next steps.

With some time and really deep self-reflection, you could probably figure this out on your own.

Or, you could call for back-up and start today getting the guidance you need.

I know you feel so overwhelmed, frustrated, and tired that you barely have the energy to read this.

So, let's get this started today so you can perk up because your future self needs you to take steps forward.

All you need to do today is to sign up for your free consultation with me to see if I can help you.

It's as simple as that...then it's just one small step at a time.

"Maisie worked with my son, who is a high school student. She helped him identify clubs and courses in high school and college that would allow him to explore his interests. He was very open to their discussion and excited about new opportunities. Her years of experience with teens really came through. Maisie is also very knowledgeable about the career and college resources available to students. I truly appreciated her ability to connect with him!" -Kate F.
"Embarking on a new career is scary! Maisie helped affirm my decision to pursue my lifelong dream and gave me new ideas and resources to consider." -Ellen B.

You will walk away with...

  • A research-based list of careers and/or college majors that align with your interests.
  • Clarity about your interests, values, skills, and the current job market.
  • Potential careers, majors, and hobbies that you have decided to research further.
  • Tools and resources to help you deep dive into potential careers and educational programs.
  • Support in building your pathway.
  • An organized plan that shows you how to get to where you want to go.
  • A co-pilot who will help keep you on track and moving forward.
I will help you feel...

  • Confident that you have the tools and resources you need to make your next move.
  • Energized about opportunities ahead.
  • Motivated to make decisions about your career or education.
  • Validated that you can make the right decisions for yourself.
  • Confirmation that your gut is right and it's time to move forward (or maybe stay put?).

This is what's waiting for you!

More Real Reviews from Real Clients!

"Maisie has single-handedly altered the course of my life. Through her services, I was redirected onto a better path than I was on before. I cannot recommend her services enough." 

-Luca S. - 21 Year Old College Student

"Working with Maisie and taking the Strong Interest Inventory® helped me to get a clearer sense of my skills and abilities. Since taking the test, I’ve fine-tuned the direction of my career. I highly recommend working with Maisie, she is insightful and passionate about helping others.” 

-Karen M. – Psychotherapist in Private Practice 

You are only one small step away from your future self.
Big change is just a series of small steps. Your future self is depending on you taking steps forward, take that first step today!

Sure, you could be doing this on your own. But, for some reason you haven't. Let me help you get started by pointing you in the right direction.

Stop letting indecision hold you back. Decide today that you and your happiness in work and life are worth it. 


The first step can be the hardest step.

When my kids are struggling with taking that first step, I share one of my favorite movie quotes from We Bought A Zoo..."sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."

If you only have 20 seconds of courage today, just shoot me a text at 240-476-1262. It can be as simple as "Hi Maisie, I saw your website and was curious about what you do", or "can you tell me more about the iStartStrong Inventory?" I will take it from there in the most non-pushy, friendly way, you will feel like you're talking to your best friend.

If you're just not there yet, subscribe to my mailing list where I share tips and tools to help you on this journey.
We will not SPAM you! Only relevant emails. Don't worry, no late night texts or calls from us either. And, we won't share your info with anyone! But, if it ever feels like too much, you can always opt out.
My Policies
If you want the boring details about how I run my company, please click on the links below. Here's a quick summary; I believe in transparency and honesty. I stand behind everything I do. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out so I can make it right.

By providing your phone number anywhere on this site, you expressly consent to receive text messages from Rainbow Connector LLC. Message and data rates may apply. Your consent is obtained solely for the purpose of sending you information related to Rainbow Connector LLC and will not be shared with unauthorized third parties. 

Opt-In Methods: You can provide consent electronically via this website. For more details on our privacy policy and terms of service, please click below.

Copyright Maisie Lynch, 2023