Thanks for attending!
I hope that you felt the information in the workshops was helpful and useful. If you still have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Below are the resources I referred to in the workshop. If you identify any corrections or additional resources, please let me know!

What are next steps you can take?

Step 1: Make sure to keep an eye out for emails from with updates and relevant information about how to make sure your child is College and Career Ready.

Step 2: Keep talking to your teen.

Step 3: Work on the strategies to support your children in becoming College and Career Ready:
  • Find or build a Village / Community- Collaborative Effort
  • Provide Opportunities for Intergenerational Relationships
  • Encourage exploration
  • Part-time employment or volunteer work
  • Improve Skills through Classes and Practice
  • Help them identify their strengths
  • Ask for Help!!! 
  • Ensure they have Trusted Adults
  • Teach them independence, let them watch you!
Step 4: Reach out for Back-Up! Email to or text / call to 240-476-1262