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Download my FREE Explorer-8 Challenge Workbook today so that you can get started working on your Career and Educational Goals! No obligations, no commitments, work at your own pace!
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Let's Get Started On Your FREE Explorer-8 Challenge

What's Included:

1) Explorer-8 Challenge Workbook
2) Strong Interest Inventory® with interpretation and customized report- Optional Add-On
3) One-on-One coaching session- Optional Add-On
4) Reputable, verified, updated resources

Your 8-Step Plan

Step 1: Prepare

Download your FREE workbook linked in the email you received. This will be your "go to" for the Challenge. In it you will find everything you need. You can edit this pdf using a program like Kami or Adobe, or just print it out. Feel free to email me at info@rainbowconnector.com if you need another format. This first Step is all about you preparing for success on your journey.

Step 2: Reflect

In order to figure out where you are headed, you need to take inventory of your starting point. You will use several tools to get a sense of where you are. It may not feel this way now, but you've got super powers inside of you. The activities you do in this Challenge can help you tap into those.

Step 3: Assess- Optional Add-On

The Strong Interest Inventory® is an Optional Add-On to the Challenge. On average it takes 30-45 minutes to complete but you may take as long as you want on it. When you are done, I will be alerted right away and will get started on interpreting your results. There are two options for the Strong Interest Inventory®
1) Self-guided, abbreviated version does not require professional interpretation or coaching session: The cost is $59 to complete, register here.
2) More in-depth report, requires professional interpretation and coaching session: The cost is $249 to complete, register here.

Step 4: Set Goals

In this step you will describe what a "Happy Monday" would look like for you. What would it mean if you had a job you looked forward to every Monday? You will then do some long- and short-term goal setting to map out where you’re headed. Breaking down your long term goals into smaller goals will help you see progress along the way.

Step 5: Coaching- Optional Add-On

Our Optional Add-On 1-on-1 coaching session is going to serve multiple purposes. First, you will have the chance to tell me anything you want me to know to help support you better. We will then review your results from the Strong Interest Inventory®. This will help guide your next steps as you are now in the home stretch of the Challenge.

Step 6: Options

Now that you have some clarity, you will start exploring the options that are most attractive to you. You will identify 3-5 possible career paths to research. If you've decided that you want to pursue more education or another direction right now, you will work on that in this step.

Step 7: Research

This step is super important. You will spend time researching the potential options you identified. You can take as long as you want on this step. It's really important that you learn as much as you can to help you make the best decisions for yourself based on what you need today. 

Step 8: Choose

Choosing a career path may feel like a big decision, but, remember you can just figure out your next step and see where that takes you. Big changes are just a series of small steps. You can always take a step in a different direction if you want as long as you keep moving forward. We are all under construction and that is Okay, in fact, it's better than Okay, it's the human experience!

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If you want the boring details about how I run my company, please click on the links below. Here's a quick summary; I believe in transparency and honesty. I stand behind everything I do. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out so I can make it right.

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Copyright Maisie Lynch, 2023